How to make SQL on CSV/JSON files with alaSQL lib
AlaSQL is an open source SQL database for JavaScript with a strong focus on query speed and data source flexibility for both relational data and schemaless data. It works in the web browser, Node.js, and mobile apps.
This library is perfect for:
npm i -S alasql
npm i -S tablify
async function printTable(json) {
const tablify = require('tablify').tablify
In the example below, we load and convert a CSV file to JSON. Then we can start working with it.
Tip: We cast the pop_est String field into Number
const alasql = require("alasql");
// Load Data
const r = await fetch('')
const tsv = await r.text();
const json = csvJSON(tsv, '\t'); // convert CSV to JSON
// Compute total of population by continent
const data = alasql(`SELECT continent, SUM(CAST(pop_est as NUMBER)) AS total_pop_est FROM ? GROUP BY continent order by total_pop_est desc`, [json]);
Once the data is ready, all that remains is to convert it to the "series" format expected by the Graph lib
const alasql = require("alasql");
const r = await fetch('')
const tsv = await r.text();
const json = csvJSON(tsv, '\t'); // convert CSV to JSON
const data = alasql("SELECT continent, SUM(CAST(pop_est as NUMBER)) AS total_pop_est FROM ? GROUP BY continent order by total_pop_est desc", [json]);
const continents = Array.from(new Set(>e.continent)));
const series = toSeries({
series: series,
categories: continents