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Active fires in the World

Show active fires in World with FIRMS data


Active fires in the World

In this notebook we use the last 7d of active fires.

Where get data? You can ask a specific location in history with the links below: Last fires data Ask archives data

Download the last 7 days into a file

const r = await fetch('https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/data/active_fire/modis-c6.1/csv/MODIS_C6_1_Global_7d.csv')
const content = await r.text();
const json = csvJSON(content, ',');
// filter cols and convert CSV to JSON
_fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/modis-active-fire.json', JSON.stringify(filter(json, ["latitude", "longitude", "acq_date"])));

Active fires on the world map

Show last 7 days of active fires

const content = require("./modis-active-fire.json");
async function listDays(start, end) {
    for(var arr=[], dt=new Date(start); 
            dt<=new Date(end); 
        arr.push(new Date(dt).toISOString().slice(0,10));
    return arr;

function show(date) {
  const last7d = content.filter(e=>e.acq_date.startsWith(date));
    var data = [{
        type: 'scattergeo',
        lon: last7d.map(r=>r.longitude),
        lat: last7d.map(r=>r.latitude),
        marker: {size: 2, color:'red'},

    var layout = {
        geo: {
            // Africa
            //center: { lat: -16.400190, lon: 22.515316},
            //projection: {
            //    scale: 1.5
            scope: 'world', // "africa" | "asia" | "europe" | "north america" | "south america" | "usa" | "world"
            resolution: 50,
            showland: true,
            showocean: true,
        title: date,

    Plotly.newPlot(el, data, layout);

const today = new Date(); // new Date("2022-08-24")
const lastWeek = new Date();
lastWeek.setDate(today.getDate()-7); // new Date("2022-08-18") 

var daylist = await listDays(

for(const day of daylist) {
    await sleep(500);  


Evolution of active fires in france from 2001 to today

// convert csv to JSON
const allfires = __dirname + "/fire_archive_M-C61_419532.csv";
const content = _fs.readFileSync(allfires, 'utf8');
const json = csvJSON(content);
_fs.writeFileSync(__dirname+"/fire_archive_M-C61_419532.json", JSON.stringify(json));
// All France fires
const content = require("./fire_archive_M-C61_419532.json");
const countByYear =
    // get year from date string
    // group by year
    .reduce((total, value) => {
        total[value] = (total[value] || 0) + 1;
        return total;
    }, {});

const data = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(countByYear)) {
  data.push({x:key, y:value});

  horizontal: false,
  series: [    
    {data: data}

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